Fantasy fox art doll with blue and green spots
Fully flocked/furred face of Blue-Green Spotted Fox
Fantasy fox art doll with blue and green spots
Fantasy fox art doll with blue and green spots

Blue-Green Spotted Fox

43cm (17") long

This fantasy fox commission was based off of a previous fox design, Chlorophyll Fox (2020). My customer requested the grey and black of Chlorophyll Fox be replaced with navy, and sparkles on the bracelets and on the white area under the eyes. (This glitter is brighter in person than in photos). The face and lower legs were cast in resin, and the soft body is constructed over a posable wire armature. The face is fully flocked, a process that is extremely time consuming, but which produces a lovely lifelike look.

Copyright Notice

Friendly Reminder: All art and images on this website are copyright of Calyn McLeod/Fruit-Bat-Phoenix unless otherwise noted. You are welcome to share my images as long as Fruit-Bat-Phoenix is credited as the creator (and provided you are not selling my images or using my work to promote your product, etc)! Distribution without such acknowledgment is theft and is NOT OK. Use of my art and images for AI image generation of any kind is, was, and always will be NOT OK.