lake-damselfly-dragon in forest with water
lake-damselfly-dragon on sand in water
lake-damselfly-dragon back view in forest
lake-damselfly-dragon front closeup
lake-damselfly-dragon side closeup
lake-damselfly-dragon back closeup

Lake Damselfly Dragon

10.5cm (4”) tall, 14cm (5.5”) long.

The inspiration for this little damselfly dragon came to me as I sat at the edge of a lake in the woods. I was there with a friend, one of those rare, special friends whose very presence is always a catalyst for joy. We sat there, mostly in companionable silence, and as I looked out at the reflections of trees rippling in the water, as I felt the fresh forest air caress my skin, I felt myself healing. I deliberately took no pictures; instead, I studied the scene in front of me with intent to remember, so that I could make this dragon inspired by the textures and colors I saw reflected in the water.

Lake Damselfly Dragon is a one of a kind work, sculpted from polymer clay over a wire & aluminum foil armature and painted with acrylics. It has iridescent accents that are brighter in person than they look in photos. The wings are built from layered rag paper and wire. The entire sculpture is sealed with multiple coats of polyurethane varnish for durability, shine, and water resistance.

Copyright Notice

Friendly Reminder: All art and images on this website are copyright of Calyn McLeod/Fruit-Bat-Phoenix unless otherwise noted. You are welcome to share my images as long as Fruit-Bat-Phoenix is credited as the creator (and provided you are not selling my images or using my work to promote your product, etc)! Distribution without such acknowledgment is theft and is NOT OK. Use of my art and images for AI image generation of any kind is, was, and always will be NOT OK.